PHONE: (540) 408-0800
Before you arrive for the procedure, make sure you have a driver who can take you home after your appointment. You will not be discharged after the procedure unless this person is available to accompany you. This is because your judgment may be impaired due to sedation. If you do not have a family or friend who could drive you for the procedure, alternate transportation options include Royal Chariot Transportation Services and Comfort Keepers may be acceptable. Please note that taxis, Uber, Lyft, and other shared driving options are not permitted.
If you are having a colonoscopy, it is very important that you follow the diet and bowel prep instructions given to you by your doctor. Please contact your doctor if you have not received instructions for taking the colon prep. Please read the following instructions carefully at least 1 week prior to your procedure.
If you are only having upper endoscopy, you do NOT need a specific diet plan or bowel preparation. Please proceed directly to the instructions for the DAY OF PROCEDURE. If you are diabetic or on blood thinner of any kind, please follow the medication instructions carefully.